ALTOONA, Wis. (WEAU) - At Altoona High School, around 2,600 people turn out to see Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders Saturday morning. The independent senator made the stop to Eau Claire County as part of his “Fighting Oligarchy: Where We Go From Here” tour.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders continued to hold rallies and town halls as part of his 'Flighting Oligarchy' tour in his bid to turn public support against President Donald Trump' policies. So far, the Independent politician has held events in predominantly GOP-leaning areas in Wisconsin,
It was Bernie Sanders, who was in Kenosha as part of his national Fighting Oligarchy tour. Around 3,500 people came to see the Vermont senator and former Democratic presidential primary candidate. Another 500 were turned away after the University of Wisconsin-Parkside’s basketball stadium reached capacity.
Bernie Sanders Warns Warren, Michigan, About The Rise Of Oligarchy Power In The U.S. On Saturday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) held his 'Fight Oligarchy' tour in Warren, Michigan. Fuel your success with Forbes.
Thousands of people packed the De Simone Arena on the University of Wisconsin-Parkside campus on Friday night to listen to Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, deride the influence of multimillionaire and billionaire donors in politics.
Over 2,000 people packed in to the Altoona High School gym to hear Senator Bernie Sanders on his "Fighting Oligarchy" tour.