You know, not thinking it would ever happen.” Nowadays, the secret is out. “We Beat the Dream Team,” a new documentary which debuts on HBO and Max – which, like CNN, are part of parent ...
However, there are those who believe that the 1992 team would be seriously challenged by the 1996 Dream Team II, who were equally dominant in their international appearance, when they concurred ...
One of Bryant's arguments was that the '92 Dream Team was older and had players at the tail end of their careers while his 2012 unit had a "bunch of racehorses" eager to complete. However ...
after defeating Puerto Rico (83-104), that "except perhaps for the 1992 team (the 'Dream Team' of Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird that dazzled in the Barcelona Games), all the U.S ...
What Movies Will It Remind You Of?: There’s been plenty of revisitations of the Dream Team story over the year, but timing causes this to feel like an unintentional companion piece to Court of Gold, ...
How does this group compare to the Dream Team, the team that has stalked every one of its successors for more than three decades now, always taunting, always just a little bit out of reach. Draymond ...
If you are having difficulty accessing any content on this website, please visit our Accessibility page. is part of Warner Media, LLC’s Turner Sports & Entertainment Digital Network ...
But back in 1992, they were just a bunch of college students playing a scrimmage against the U.S. men’s national basketball team, otherwise known as the Dream Team, which included Michael Jordan ...
Every sports fan knows about the Dream Team. In 1992 professionals were allowed to play Olympic basketball for the first time, and the U.S. assembled the greatest roster ever seen. Talents like ...
And in some ways, “We Beat the Dream Team” (streaming on Max), directed by Michael Tolajian, follows that recipe. Its title suggests the ultimate underdog story: In June 1992, a group of elite ...