On March 13, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it would move forward with reconsideration of the Greenhouse ...
The Trump administration vowed to rid the EPA of a backlog of decisions on state plans to manage air pollution. Now advocates ...
BRIEFING: US Supreme Court considers where Clean Air Act challenges should be heard; US states should rethink industrial decarbonisation plans, reduce reliance on fe ...
The Supreme Court appears poised to keep at least some Clean Air Act disputes in federal courts outside of D.C. — preventing what at least one justice described as “home court advantage” for the ...
States and refineries asked the justices to clarify venue rules for challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s actions ...
At issue is whether biofuel blending and state ozone plan cases should be heard in regional courts potentially more favorable ...
Two bills in Congress would limit or eliminate the EPA's Clean Air Act waivers issued to California. Also: Truck tonnage ...
Two bills in Congress would limit or eliminate the EPA's Clean Air Act waivers issued to California. Also: Truck tonnage ...
Republican U.S. Senate/House Members Introduce Legislation to Reduce California’s Control Over National Emissions Standards ...
Bond added the trade group and its member companies “continue to support EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act.” ...
The numbers are eye-popping. An Environmental Protection Agency analysis of the first 20 years of the Clean Air Act, from 1970 to 1990, found the economic benefits of the regulations were about 42 ...
EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin announced plans to redefine “waters of the U.S” and promised a “consequential day of deregulation.” The federal government will scale back oversight of waters ...