Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to a person’s ability to recognize and understand their own and others’ emotions and to manage their emotions to achieve specific goals. Whilst not always ...
Healthcare professionals may use different methods to diagnose ADHD in adults. This may involve interviews, questions for both you and your family, and other standardized tests. No single test ...
You can lead a successful life with ADHD. Some traits you may have that can help you achieve this include spontaneity, courage, resilience, creativity, and more. When you think of ADHD, do you see ...
Due to London Stock Exchange licensing terms, we stipulate that you must be a private investor. We apologise for the inconvenience. To access our Live RNS you must confirm you are a private ...
We are discussing a critical issue affecting many children in Aotearoa—food insecurity. As this problem escalates, the Fruit in Schools (FIS) programme has become a vital lifeline for tamariki facing ...
Many of my clients report feeling increasingly frustrated and discouraged with how easily, powerfully, and/or frequently they can get triggered, whether it's at work, online, during political ...
Loading In 2021, a suspected bull shark attacked swimmer Cameron Wrathall at Blackwall Reach. He required emergency surgery for a deep bite to his thigh. What to do: Take additional caution in the ...
The Filthy Psyd; what the hell does that mean?? It means PsydTracked with a side of Filthy Hard! After the unfortunate and abrupt cancellation of our last fundraiser we couldn't decide whether to ...
Cameron Wrathall is lucky to be alive. His injuries from a shark attack are so severe, he can’t walk because his sciatic nerve has been severed in two places. But he’s tough and now he’s ready to tell ...
The victim of a shark attack in Perth’s Swan River has been identified as Cameron Wrathall. Wrathall, in his 50s, was bitten by a shark at popular swimming spot Blackwall Reach on Thursday at around ...