Sledujte ONLINE prenos zo zápasu HKM Zvolen - HC Slovan Bratislava v 50. kole súťaže Tipos extraliga na Š! Zvolen je v ...
Slovan Bratislava manager Vladimir Weiss has detailed Middlesbrough’s attempts to sign David Strelec in January. Boro are understood to have held talks with the Slovakian champions about the 23 ...
Another player of interest to Celtic is Slovan Bratislava’s David Strelec who faced the club at Parkhead in the Champions League earlier this campaign. And now the Scottish Premiership leaders have ...
However, as attention on 23-year-old Strelec mounts, Slovan Bratislava CEO, Ivan Kmotrík Junior, has warned that his club will not be rushed into selling a player who, if he left, would weaken his ...
Pre zobrazenie videa je potrebné povoliť JavaScript. Ani remízy s Michalovcami a Trenčínom nepripravili Slovan Bratislava o istotu prvého miesta po základnej časti. Po jeseni druhá Žilina totiž na jar ...
Dovedna za Slovan v tomto ročníku nastrieľal už 15 gólov ... s r.o., IČO: 31 444 873 so sídlom Bratislavská 1/a, Bratislava - Záhorská Bystrica 843 56 a beriem na vedomie Informácie o spracovaní ...
Záhadný zápach v Bratislave: Je ohrozené zdravie obyvateľov?! Ministerstvo vnútra prehovorilo Zdravie obyvateľov v súvislosti so zápachom v Bratislave nie je ohrozené. Na vyhlásenie mimoriadnej ...
VfB Stuttgart had a great game against ŠK Slovan Bratislava and beat them 3-1. The German team was never in danger in the game. Image: VAVEL ...
Slovan Bratislava stratil prvýkrát doma body s Michalovcami. "Ani som nezvyšoval hlas," povedal tréner Weiss.