Jio Rs 198 Plan The Rs 198 prepaid plan from Jio comes with a validity period of 14 days, which offers unlimited 5G data, 2GB of 4G data per day, unlimited voice calling and 100 SMS per day.
As of the end of December 2024, Jio had a subscriber base of 482.1 million, reflecting a 2.4 percent increase compared to the ...
Reliance Jio has made a historic move by bringing 4G and 5G connectivity to the Siachen Glacier to support the Indian Army in ...
152 28 days For JioPhone Customers only Data: 0.5GB/day + 1 GB Voice: Unlimited Calls SMS : 300 Validity : 28 Days Complimentary subscription to Jio Apps Rs ... include 9 GB 4G Data & Unlimited ...
Reliance Jio announced that it had extended its 4G and 5G services to Siachen Glacier, known as the world’s highest battlefield, a day before the Army Day on January 15. “With the launch of 5G ...
Here's another shock from Jio. We say this as Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance Jio is planning to launch international roaming services for their customers. The company has confirmed through its ...
Reliance Jio has started testing interoperability between 5G VoNR and 4G VoLTE. 5G VoNR offers improved audio quality and lower latency during calls. This will also remove the need for an LTE ...
India's largest telecom company, Jio, has made history by introducing 4G and 5G networks in the Siachen Glacier, marking a significant milestone as the first telecom operator to provide high-speed ...
According to a report by Reuters, Reliance Jio is working on an affordable 4G-enabled laptop priced at $184 (approx. ₹15,000). The device will reportedly come with an embedded Jio 4G SIM card.
To compete with Jio and Airtel, Vodafone Idea is now providing unlimited 4G data to its millions of users. This means you'll enjoy high-speed internet even with more affordable plans. Vodafone ...
151 N.A True 5G Unlimited Upgrade + 9 GB Data: Unlimited 5G + 9 GB Voice : NA SMS : NA Plan Validity: Existing Plan Imp -- Note : Get Unlimited 5G Data + 9 GB of high speed 4G Data -- Applicable ...