Outreach organizations like REACH said staff spent the day handing out supplies like rain gear, tents and blankets and ...
Hannah Kilson and Caila Kilson-Kuchtic are on team "Horizons for Homeless Children," a Boston nonprofit dedicated to serving ...
For many rescue dogs, affection is something they have never known. Some have spent their lives on the streets, while others ...
Under the Trump administration, churches are now thinking more expansively about the concept of sanctuary to include migrants ...
A human-trafficking researcher at NYU's Marron Institute asked the city’s runaways about their days and nights—and what would help them find safety and stability ...
We all wish to be. And we fail miserably because control cannot be in our hands. Lord Krishna explains, “The place of action and the doer and many different kinds of instruments and many different ...
For all intents and purposes, heated cat beds and houses seem like a nice option for keeping our feline friends warm, but are ...
Sick, skinny, lost – all types of felines have ended up at Siu Lam-lam’s Dundas Cafe in Mong Kok, but her days as ...
Welcome to the Age of Adaptation, when a growing number of people are coming to realize that the Big, Bad Climate Wolf isn’t ...
Organizers say it’s important for North Carolina residents to prepare for natural disasters, such as wildfires, hurricanes ...
The previously undisclosed review could block assistance to millions of undocumented people and deter legal immigrants from seeking help in extreme weather.
Of the lucky pups who were adopted last year, it seems more have found their forever homes: The number of dogs surrendered by ...