The City of St. Paul has five days to figure out a garbage hauler service's land agreement, or residents will have nobody to ...
To minimize the impact of the changes, the district will provide extra garbage-bag pickups during a transition period and ...
Baltimore Inspector General’s report on solid waste worker’s death from heat exhaustion shows DPW knew he was having medical problems two days before he died and definitely on that 100 degree day.
St. Paul city officials want to refuel garbage trucks in an area of West 7th. The City Council and neighborhood are rightfully pushing back.
Premier David Burt meets with Consul General of Canada in New York, Tom Clark, and Deputy Consul General of Canada in New York, Geoff Gartshore, World Poetry Day in St George’s, four new garbage ...
Grundon Waste Management believes the XD and XD Electric will be an important model on its fleet until 2030 and beyond.
The Ministry of Public Works and Environment announced the “arrival of a new cohort of garbage collection trucks, marking a ...
SARASOTA, Fla. (WWSB) - Sarasota County is launching a new solid waste service set to begin March 31. The initiative is ...
A batch of new garbage trucks marked “a step forward” in supporting the island’s waste management infrastructure, the ...
Hazleton Mayor Jeff Cusat likes a new site that a developer selected for a trash transfer station. “I think it’s the perfect location for being inside the city,” Cusat said. William Rinaldi, through a ...
As lithium-ion battery usage continues to rise, residents are asked to be aware of the dangers that come with them.
Thompson said another major source of litter along Route 222 is the trash haulers who use the highway en route to waste ...