Some of the oldest ancient temples continue to fulfil their original purpose after thousands of years, continuing their ...
Scientists have controversially claimed that a vast underground city in Egypt predates the Giza pyramids by tens of thousands ...
Instead of adhering to what was in an older expansion, World's Edge just decided to make something better.
As a scholar of the Bible and ancient Judaism, I believe Passover is a particularly poignant time to recognize the tragedies of the past year and offer hope for the future.
Ancient religious fears OpenAI’s flagship AI assistant, ChatGPT, is finding itself constrained by its efforts to appease ...
The discovery of artifacts near the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun may be the oldest known evidence of a ritual known as the ...
RNAi -- functions specifically to silence, or deactivate, genes. Among other applications, it promises to be groundbreaking ...
The bloodroots were up, and mayapples were already shrouding the forest floor with a swath of green. But I wasn’t after them.
The legendary pharaoh’s tomb was discovered in 1922, filled with thousands of priceless artifacts — some of which experts now believe were previously overlooked.
Rick Riordan is most famous for the Percy Jackson series, which he published in 2005. However, the popularity of these books ...
Nature of freedom It’s not clear what freedom has become in the twenty-first century. So many claim it, but so few understand ...
Tutankhamun ruled ancient Egypt shortly after a period of religious instability, and objects from his tomb suggest he took ...