The iconic Cape Verde date palm came from commercial trees gone feral and could provide genetic variety to boost the resilience of its tamer relatives.
A friend of mine asked me why he would have pecans for some years and none other times. Harvesting pecans can be a challenge for those who live in our area. My family farm had four gigantic trees ...
This allows sunlight to reach the canopy and improves air circulation around the tree. Pecans are vulnerable to pests like aphids, weevils, and diseases like pecan scab fungus. These issues can ...
One KHOU 11 viewer, Joseph, reached out to our Verify team with an interesting question—can the blooming or budding of pecan trees signal the end of winter? Doug Ford's landslide win sets stage ...
Viewer Joseph, reached out to the KHOU 11 Verify team to ask: Can the blooming or budding of pecan trees signal the end of winter? To verify, we talked to Dr. Monte Nesbitt, a professor of ...
And while Geoff jokes that pecan trees are “just cows that don’t walk”, the journey from livestock producer to horticulturalist has not been for the faint hearted. In three years of ...
Also known as blue stain fungus for the stain it leaves in the wood of infected trees, Grosmannia clavigera is carried to the host trees by pine beetles and weakens the trees’ natural defense system, ...
Many homes were custom-made to fit the special constraints of a property, such as the Austin ADU with a cantilevered section of foundation designed to protect the roots of an adjacent pecan tree ...
I had a relatively minor limb cut from my pecan tree less than one year ago. Now there seems to be a very large amount of bark falling from the trunk following recent winds. I don’t know that it ...
The disease mainly affects maple trees and is caused by a fungus. Eventually, it could cause the leaves to die and fall off the tree. Some maples will even respond with a second batch of leaves, ...