A: Good news — the ridges on the twigs and branches are normal, and the interesting corky-looking bark becomes an attractive ...
Avalanche Birch is a 50-foot hybrid tree with striking peeling bark, perfect for smaller spaces and winter blooms. With ...
While Florida’s 13 native bat species are beneficial and typically roost in trees, caves or other natural spaces, they are ...
"That people pull down their houses, sell their wives and daughters, eat roots and carrion, clay and leaves, is news nobody wonders at. It is the regular thing . . . The poorest people ...
As spring rolls in, you may want to start planning the kinds of trees you'll want to plant in your yard. There are 11 ...
People graft apple trees for many reasons. The main one is that apple trees planted from seed almost always produce fruit with inferior flavor to the fruit from the parent ...
They're as easy on the eyes as they are easy to grow. Meet 13 garden superstars that don't take a super amount of work.
Galls are abnormal growths on a part of the plant. They can be caused by bacteria, insects, mites and fungi. They can be on ...
As the weather warmed up during the first two weeks of March, officials from local garden centers welcomed an influx of customers — from landscapers to weekend warriors — looking to jump-start their ...
Have you ever noticed how much tree bark varies in texture, color and pattern? If your answer is “no,” I understand. Staring at tree bark doesn’t seem that exciting. Yet it could benefit you. Let me ...
he said. "Casuarinas seemed to have failed a lot this time; we also see quite a bit of failure in paper bark trees, but it's very much driven by localities. "A lot of tree failure close to the ...
Trees are full of life, and not just their own. They are teeming with life, some unnoticed because it is small and not ...