A state inspector general’s report also finds the facility did not seek parental approval before administering medication to ...
A proposed budget by Gov. Tim Walz would reduce payments for state-owned land to offset property taxes by 34%.
The Mower County Board of Commissioners Tuesday morning approved unanimously a request to reorganize the Facilities and IT ...
California nonprofit group Save the Redwoods League has named Steve Mietz as its next president and CEO. Mietz, who most ...
According to a news release from the Redwood County Sheriff's Office, the two vehicles collided in an intersection after one ...
Members of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party in Lyon County met for their annual county convention Monday night. DFL members chose new county officers, who included a mix of returning officers and ...
After record-high temperatures on Friday, parts of Minnesota got snow on Saturday. Park Rapids got 6 inches of fresh show. Long Prairie got 5.4. The snow clears Saturday night, making for a chilly ...
Rural Wabasso farmer Paul Sobocinski is one of three individuals who will share an endowed chair position at the University ...
Charges say Shelton was a manager at The Market, a grocery store formerly known as Tersteeg's, in Redwood Falls. He oversaw ...
A red flag warning has been issued Monday for 27 counties in northwest, west central, and southwestern Minnesota A Red Flag Warning means ... Lac Qui Parle, Meeker, Pope, Redwood, Renville, Stearns, ...
Anthony Sellner, P.E.Redwood County Engineer Spring road restrictions went into effect on all Redwood County roads on Monday, March 3. Signs have been placed designating… ...