In a written statement, SEPTA announced that the new railing will reduce vibrations along the track and allow for smoother ...
Williams, 26 year veteran, uses her trolley route to spread life affirming and motivational messages to the passengers she ...
you've probably heard about Tracy's Trolley. Tracy Holmes-Williams is a 26-year SEPTA veteran and a dedicated trolley operator. SEPTA stands for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation ...
Philadelphia commuters are frustrated with the persistent operator unavailability on SEPTA buses, trolleys and subways.
If you've ever taken the Route 36 trolley through Southwest Philadelphia, you may have heard about what many fondly call ...
A program benefiting 25,000 low-income residents in Philadelphia could soon come to an end. Zero Fare is a two-year pilot ...
you've probably heard about Tracy's Trolley. Tracy Holmes-Williams is a 26-year SEPTA veteran and a dedicated trolley operator. SEPTA stands for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation ...