SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif. – The non-profit Teacher’s Fund has launched its annual School Supplies Drive this fall. The goal is to raise $75,000 to purchase educational supplies for Santa ... examines the effect of rising costs and flat salaries on teachers struggling to support their classrooms in 2024.
As the lazy days of summer draw to a close, both excitement and anxiety can start to build about the upcoming school yea ...
The Great Backpack Give Back campaign is officially over. Nearly $16,000 in school supplies and more than $1,000 in cash were ...
The school purchases supplies for students from Kindergarten to Grade 5 in bulk. At the beginning of each school year, parents pay a $50 school supply fee, and the school then provides the vast ...
This is how the top five economies ranked in basic school supplies purchases — textbooks, meals, school trips and sports equipment excluded: Italy: 10.80% on an average after-tax monthly salary ...
As millions of children head back to school next week, many face the prospect of being taught by supply teachers or unqualified instructors and the possibility of being in larger classes because ...
I took my two teenagers shopping for school supplies at Target and Walmart. We live in Florida, where school starts in mid-August, so there were lots of clearance deals. The retailers had similar ...