Paulhus has spent the last 39 years fighting to get fluoride removed from Newburyport's drinking water. She writes letters to local newspapers, speaks up at community meetings, and personally, uses ...
The initial White House order on Monday to freeze federal grants sparked confusion throughout Washington and nationwide.
So, fluoride helps make the tooth stronger. And it prevents the growth of those cavity-causing bacteria. Scientists have been ...
I’ve reported about oral care for five years, so I talk to dentists at least once or twice a week. Regardless of what topic ...
We don’t always have the answers, but we have some people on speed dial who do — which is why we present our FYI series, ...
The toothpaste aisle can be a confusing place, with a huge variety of claims touted on product labels.
Those cities and unincorporated areas that use and don't use fluoride to treat drinking water is fairly evenly split in Palm ...
There is little appetite in Palm Beach County to stop treating water with fluoride, even if Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo wants it to end.
Experts have claimed that there's no need to spend money on expensive mouthwashes, as you could have a cheap and natural ...