Dear W.M.: CSF surrounds and supports the brain and spinal cord. The meninges normally form a fluid-proof barrier, but if the ...
The nervous system is a truly remarkable biological achievement. However, the features that protect it can also contribute to ...
We can eat eggshells, but I don’t recommend it unless you are willing to go through some preparation to make the eggshells ...
My son has been diagnosed with a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak. I had never heard of this. He has been told that his brain pressure is lower than normal. This caused him to have severe headaches, and ...
ANSWER: We can eat eggshells, but I don’t recommend it unless you are willing to go through some preparation to make the eggshells safe. Eggshells are made out of calcium carbonate, which is a common ...
A cluster of deaths linked to a mysterious illness in the Democratic Republic of the Congo could be the result of a poisoning ...
Who is vulnerable to meningitis? Anyone can contract the disease but it is more common in people with weakened immune systems ...
A teacher from Manchester dismissed a tingling feeling in her cheek as stress was ultimately diagnosed with a rare meningioma tumour in her brain. Nicola Shaw then underwent a ten-hour surgery, which ...
Meningitis occurs when the tissue layers and fluid that protect the spinal cord—called the meninges—become inflamed. Aseptic meningitis is usually not life-threatening, but the symptoms can be ...
Eliza Young was just ten-months-old when she was diagnosed with meningitis, while on a family holiday in Malta.