The Australian Open's animated tennis livestreams are making a splash. U.S. leagues have used similar technology to put Simpsons on the football field and superheroes on ice skates.
Not to pile on, but why is the K-State men’s basketball team so bad? -@Todfrg via X. There’s no easy way to answer this. The Wildcats do so many things poorly it’s hard to p ...
Sandbox Group acquires for SVOD, AVOD and its FAST channel across 12 languages, with about 90 percent of its total slate made up of acquisitions, according to Ellen Solberg, director of content, with ...
In the coming weeks, Boston Globe audiences can look forward to two new puzzles in the Globe Games section. One is an old ...
It’s designed by David Gordon and Michael O’Connell with Hargrave returning as the credited developer. Players take on the ...