While sneaking up on prey, cuttlefish employ a dynamic skin display to avoid detection in last moments of approach, researchers have found.
ThThis high school surf club offers students in the landlocked borough of Lodi, New Jersey, the opportunity to learn and experience surfing at the largest indoor wave pool in the American Dream Mall.
Wild new theories have emerged after scientists claimed to have discovered a 'vast city' 6,500ft below the Pyramids of Giza.
These SURF grants enabled young researchers interested in robotics to collaborate with esteemed faculty, build professional networks and receive financial support to focus solely on their project, ...
To help get you started, let’s unpack the what, why, and how of local SEO; that way, you can leverage it like a seasoned pro.
The National Weather Service for Houston-Galveston has issued a HIGH Risk of rip Currents for local Gulf-facing beaches.
With rugged beauty and consistent waves, Santa Cruz is a surfer’s paradise. Here’s where and when to get your board in the ...
As a foundational step in your skin-care routine, face wash plays an important role in keeping your skin clear and balanced. Most dermatologists recommend cleansing twice a day: once in the ...
You may be able to reduce the oil on your skin with certain products, including honey and aloe. Habits like avoiding fried foods may also help. Oily skin is the result of the overproduction of ...
If you are someone who likes all sorts of adventures, like looking for past explorers while you find yourself stranded on a cold deserted island then Deep Descent is just the game for you. Here, your ...