A new way of looking at tooth enamel could give scientists a path to deeper understanding of the health of human populations, from the ancient to the modern.
Some presidential candidates seem to believe in their own Goebbelssian claims that their victory in tomorrow’s election is certain. They pretend that it’s all over bar the shouting and they are busy ...
A new way of looking at tooth enamel could give scientists a path to deeper understanding of the health of human populations, ...
Native Americans living in coastal Northern California during the Mission era were presumed to experience high rates of ...
COMMUTERS have been left amazed after spotting a Harris Hawk working in a London train station to rid it of pigeons.
Patients suffering from chronic pain in the face, mouth or jaw can now download a self-help guide proven to benefit them in ...
Despite the boom in online grocery stores like Big­Basket and InstaMart where one can get nearly everything — from fresh ...
The ongoing contest for the coveted presidency has turned red in tooth and claw, with the contenders desperately doing everything in their power to achieve their most cherished goal. Election ...
The contemporary TV western "Longmire" may be finished filming for the foreseeable future, but several of its former cast ...
Ten years since the independence referendum? Seems like ten minutes. It is certainly too soon to tell the whole story of those heady ...
Adversarial human interventions — the conversion of forests into farms and annihilation of the wolves’ prey base — have been ...
For you history buffs, Doug Crowe fought tooth and claw to introduce Peter Drucker’s concept of Management by Objective to the hidebound old Wyoming Game and Fish Department, an agency that ...