UC Irvine workers join 48,000 UC academic employees statewide to demand, among other things, higher wages on November 14, ...
Three Jewish UCLA students and a Jewish professor asked a federal court Friday, Feb. 28, to ensure that UCLA can never again ...
A protest was held on the UCLA campus in support of pro-Palestinian student groups temporarily suspended by the university.
Whether you’re looking to do some soul searching or to step out to touch some grass, every road trip deserves the perfect ...
In Southern California, workers will strike at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Westwood, UC Riverside and UC Irvine ...
The Merced campus saw the largest spike in applications with an increase of over 57%. Riverside trailed behind with an almost ...
A student at UCLA was allegedly sexually assaulted by a food delivery driver in Westwood. Now, campus police are asking for ...
The backstory: The UC workers are represented by University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) Local 9119. The union ...
This dashboard presents systemwide and campus goals and serves as a means to track progress. More information about UC's multiyear framework can be found in the January 2019 Regents meeting item B1 ...