Plus, who all was on the floor for the opening of Anne Imhof's "DOOM"? What are the details on the New Museum's new ...
Each kind of waste requires a different type of facility to manage it. However, if both wet and dry waste get mixed, which happens in most households today, half the battle is already lost, said ...
ReFED estimates that U.S. consumers waste close to 35 million tons of food annually at a value of nearly $800 per person. Confusion over date labels alone leads U.S. consumers to throw away about ...
“They said, ‘This is garbage, we’re not going to put it out with her screaming on one side and you doing this sort of live stuff.’” When discussing the record later, Lennon said that Capital Records ...
Waste transporters must now clearly label their vehicles based on the type of waste they carry and take strict measures to prevent spillage, following new government regulations aimed at improving ...
Famous singer Paul Okoye has a lament about how his time was wasted in school as he recounts how his teacher made him label the part of a cockroach. The artist triggered mixed reactions with his posts ...
Young people waste more food because they are baffled by date labels and do not know how to tell if something is safe to eat, research suggests. A survey found those who grew up after labels ...
The biogas plant, currently under construction at Kakula Thippa, will be capable of processing 50 tonnes of food and wet waste daily. The total cost for establishing the plant is Rs 12 crore ...
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