We got to enjoy a little remembrance of Winter yesterday as snow squalls blew across the region. After today’s seasonally ...
Don't miss an encore presentation of the first Snow League competition. Live coverage begins Saturday at 1 PM ET on NBC.
The No Name Storm caused 318 deaths, and about 40 percent of the country's population was impacted; impacts were worst in ...
Driving in the winter time can be a dangerous proposition. Make sure you're not a believer in some of the damaging myths ...
We're in for a brisk Pacific cold front tonight into Saturday morning, bringing moderate to heavy snow to the mountains.
Spring might feel like it’s an eternity away as bouts of snowy and chilly weather continue, but there are signs that warmer ...
Spotty rain, snow and graupel showers are ongoing for areas west of the divide this afternoon with winds gusting 25-40 mph.A ...
Wild Wille lost his beloved beater that way, along with his pet goat, Willamena, who he forgot was catching some z’s under ...
Chief Meteorologist Joe Fitzwater is tracking bitter wind chill values tonight as well as snow in tonight’s forecast.
Go into effect Thursday night at 8pm through 8am Friday for Northwestern Pocahontas, Greenbrier, Summers, Monroe, Mercer, ...
Montana's long winter brings rare but dangerous snow squalls that can surprise drivers, turning highways into danger zones.
I close out a series of winter articles with this account of a Baxter State Park ski trek of nearly 20 miles, hauling a ...