The Bombay High Court while granting bail to a 'young adult' booked for assaulting a man along with his 'gang members', noted that he was merely 18 years old at the time of the incident and that ...
Delphi murders suspect Richard Allen, found guilty of brutally murdering two teen girls on an Indiana hiking trail in 2017, ...
A man has been charged with child endangerment after police say he used a 2-year-old as a "pawn" during his arrest, according ...
Joseph Jacobs, 31, was booked into the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison for second-degree murder. The shooting happened back in ...
A state appellate court has overturned a Central New York woman’s conviction for poisoning her former boyfriend’s mother in 2015. Kaitlyn Conley, 31, was convicted of first-degree manslaughter for the ...