The Brunswick Area Transportation Study (BATS) is hosting two open houses to gather public input on long-term transportation needs and solutions in the Golden Isles. The meetings are part of the ...
His name is Calvin. There will never be a monument, a bridge, or dirt road named for him. But in this part of the South, his name, Calvin Stewart, will be engraved in our hearts forever. (0 Ratings) ...
Vicki, it’s unfair to fence with an unarmed person, but you leave me no choice. I was under the impression that the debate would be just that, and not a personal attack on President Trump. Shortly ...
My older brother was the valedictorian of his graduating class several years ago, and I was a decent high school student but nowhere near his academic level.
I hope former President Trump reads Erick Erickson’s well thought out and insightful editorial of Sept. 14. If a columnist like Mr. Erickson can so succinctly lay out a game plan for a successful ...
Editor’s Note: The following letter is written as a rebuttal to a letter and therefore is not subject to the four-week policy. This will be the only rebuttal allowed. As usual, some MAGA sycophanys ...
Sara Bennett had just earned an associate’s degree at College of Coastal Georgia with plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree in ...
One of the men convicted of killing Ahmaud Arbery may be removed as a defendant in a federal civil rights lawsuit filed by Arbery’s mother.
The Glynn County Commission voted Thursday to terminate an agreement with Ajax Building Co. for the pre-construction and construction of the planned $12 million juvenile services complex.
Each month, the Jekyll Island Art Association presents a new selection of art in its gallery. Normally a peaceful space, the ...
Rainfall in the Golden Isles has been substantial in the last couple of months, which should come as no surprise. For the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission, it revealed ...
In recent years, there has been a resurgence of the idea that protective tariffs can restore America’s economic greatness, based on the interpretation that they fueled our growth in the ...