天文台發出特別天氣提示, 指位於南海北部的廣闊低壓槽正為廣東沿岸帶來驟雨和雷暴, 而低壓槽上東北偏東有一個低壓區, 它的中心風力及對流較弱, 現時尚未達到熱帶氣旋強度, 預料會向西移動, 大致移向珠江口至廣東西部沿岸一帶. 當低壓區靠近本港, 本地部分地區風力可能會增大並有狂風雷暴, 天文台會密切監測, 呼籲市民留意天氣變化.
署理行政長官陳國基指, 為慶祝國慶75周年, 政府和各界推出的優惠和活動將會是歷來之冠, 同時希望加入愛國主義教育, 讓年輕人多認識國家, 了解國家成就.         陳國基在電台節目指, 國慶優惠活動受惠於於本地居民和遊客, 期望可以刺激消費, 吸引旅客來港. 他指, 現時內地遊客來港消費模式改變, 由一年前平均花費7千多元減少至5千多元, 因此要爭取更多旅客來港, 認為香港的前景美好.
美國前總統, 共和黨總統候選人特朗普兩個月前被槍擊, 負責特朗普保安的美國特勤局, 完成內部檢討報告, 認為特勤局欠缺周詳部署和溝通不善.         特勤局署理局長羅伊表示, 內部報告反映部分特勤局探員執勤上態度自滿, 未有向當地警員發出清楚指引. 加上特勤局和警方的無綫通通信採用不同頻率, 導致特勤局未及早知道警方發現可疑人物, 並正在搜捕. 如果當時特工察覺, 可能會安排特朗普轉到其他地 ...
President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Friday that senior Ukrainian officials agreed in an "emotional" discussion that the country needs to make more         weaponry domestically and speed up producti ...
The United States is preparing a $375 million military aid package for Ukraine, breaking a months-long trend towards smaller packages for Kyiv for its military operations against Russia, two U.S. offi ...
基於市民安全考量, 西班牙首都馬德里決定自10月起, 全面禁止共享電動滑板車服務, 意味三間相關公司共6,000輛共享電動滑板車, 將自街頭清空, 市府該項決議, 獲得行動不便的身障人士鼓掌贊同.         馬德里市長艾梅達表示, 由於業者未能遵守市府設定的規範保障市民安全, 市府未來亦無打算發布新的許可證予其他營運商. 市政府指該三家營運商未能達到合約的兩項要求, 包括無採用GPS技術, ...
Venezuela's government "categorically" rejected a United Nations human rights report on Friday criticizing repression of political opponents and children in the wake of contested elections, saying it ...
A Kenyan court ruled on Friday that Facebook's parent company Meta could be sued in the East African nation over the dismissal of dozens of content moderators by a contractor.                  Last ye ...
天水圍分區軍裝巡邏小隊第二隊聯同特遣隊昨日接近傍晚時分, 在區內展開打擊非法街頭賭博行動, 突擊搜查天秀路一條行人隧道.         行動中, 拘捕一名62歲姓司徒本地男子, 涉嫌「在賭場以外任何場所或在街道上營辦非法賭博」, 另外八名本地男子及四名本地女子, 年齡介乎50至74歲, 涉嫌在「賭場以外任何場所或在街道上賭博」.         行動同時檢獲一批證物, 包括啤牌、桌椅及約1萬2, ...
A top United Nations official on Friday urged all countries with influence over Israel and Lebanese militant group Hezbollah "to leverage it now" to avoid an escalation of Middle East violence that sh ...
U.S. officials have not given up hope of landing a Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal but are increasingly pessimistic that a breakthrough can come anytime soon, according to sources and officials famili ...
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said on Friday it intends to seek sanctions against Elon Musk after he failed to appear for court-ordered testimony for the regulator's probe into his $44 b ...