Gangster Disciples - Wikipedia
The Gangster Disciple Nation (often abbreviated as the GD's; formally, GDN), also known as Growth & Development, is an African American street and prison gang founded by former rivals David Barksdale and Larry Hoover; in 1968, the two came together to form the Black Gangster Disciple Nation (BGDN).
Gangster Disciples - Chicago Gang History
The Gangster Disciples are said to be at least 40,000 strong in numbers and continue to grow with members as young as pre-teen and members as old as in their 70s. The Gangster Disciple nation has a hell of a legacy of expansion, power, and dominance.
Gangster Disciples: A Gang Profile - Office of Justice Programs
This article provides an overview of the Chicago-based Gangster Disciples (GD) criminal gang, which has a history of criminal activity that makes it one of the most powerful and dangerous gangs in the Nation.
Gangster Disciples | Chicago Gangs - Chicago Rap & Hip-Hop …
The Gangster Disciples are primarily an African American street gang formed by Larry Hoover in South Side, Chicago, Illinois in 1968. Originally, Larry Hoover, leader of the Supreme Gangsters and David Barksdale, leader of the Black Disciples united to form the Black Gangster Disciple Nation (BGDN).
Larry Hoover - Wikipedia
Larry Hoover Sr (born November 30, 1950) [3][2][6] is a former American gangster and street gang kingpin. He is the founder of the Chicago street gang, the Gangster Disciples. Hoover is currently serving six life sentences at the ADX Florence prison …
What Are the Gangster Disciples 16 Laws? - Reference.com
Dec 7, 2015 · The 16 Laws of the Gangster Disciples are the rules and principles that were handed down by the organization’s founder Larry Hoover through memoranda while he was imprisoned. They are intended to guide the behavior and beliefs of the Gangster Disciples, who were also known as the Black Gangster Disciples and the Black Gangster Disciple Nation.
Gangster Disciples history and positions of authority - Action …
May 4, 2016 · The Gangster Disciples is a dangerous gang founded in the 1970's in Chicago, Illinois. Here's an explanation of the extensive coordination and organization of the infamous gang.
Gangster Disciples - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
The Gangster Disciples are an American street and prison gang. They were formed on the South Side of Chicago. [1] . The gang was established in 1968. Almost all the members of the gang are African Americans. The predominant symbol of this gang is the six-pointed Star of David. [2] .
Gangster Disciples (Folk Nation): Prison Gang Profile - Inside Prison
The Gangster Disciples have a corporatelike structure that allows drug dealing and extortion rackets, violence, and murder. As a street gang, the Gangster Disciples had a board of directors, governors, regents, coordinators and, of course, soldiers to do the dirty work.
The Gangster Disciples (GD): History, Presence, and Impact in the ...
Feb 5, 2025 · The Gangster Disciples (GD) originated in Chicago during the late 1960s, formed from a merger between two street gangs: the Black Disciples, led by David Barksdale, and the Supreme Gangsters, led by Larry Hoover.