School District Maps, SD Department of Education - South Dakota
South Dakota Department of Education 800 Governors Dr., Pierre, SD (605) 773-3134 Contact Us
South Dakota School Districts - ArcGIS
These are the school district boundaries for the State of South Dakota. They are maintained by South Dakota's Bureau of Information & Telecommunications for the Department of Education.
South Dakota School Districts Map - Mapscaping.com
Looking for school districts in South Dakota? Our interactive South Dakota school zone map helps parents, educators, and administrators explore public and private school locations across the state.
SD_All/Boundary_SchoolDistricts (MapServer)
School District Boundaries 2020 - 2021 (0) Description: These are the school district boundaries for the latest school year. They are maintained by South Dakota's Bureau of Information & Telecommunications Development for the Department of Education.
2019 - 2020 South Dakota School Districts NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors and conditions originating from the physical sources used to develop the database may be reflected in the data supplied. The end user must be aware of the data conditions and
All school districts in South Dakota, SD - GreatSchools
All districts in South Dakota; South Dakota School Districts Show me school districts in a different state: District name City County name; Aberdeen School District 06-1: Aberdeen Brown County Agar-Blunt-Onida School District 58-3: Onida Sully County Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1 ...
South Dakota Schools, School Attendance Zones, Districts, Boundaries & Maps
This section of the South Dakota HomeTownLocator Gazetteer provides basic information for South Dakota schools including name, address, phone number, school district contact information plus maps of school locations, attendance zones or boundary maps where availiable.
South Dakota - School Finder
home schools districts state years data download schools districts state years data download
Statistical Digest, SD Department of Education
II. SCHOOL DISTRICT DATA; Expenditure Data & Rankings: All School Districts Profiles
List of school districts in South Dakota - Wikipedia
This is a list of public school districts in South Dakota, sorted alphabetically. It includes schools run by the Bureau of Indian Education but otherwise does not include non-traditional schools and school systems.