Grampian orogeny - Wikipedia
The Grampian orogeny was an orogeny (mountain building event) that affected Scotland in the middle of the Ordovician. At the time, Scotland was part of proto-North American continent Laurentia. The orogeny is an early phase of the Caledonian orogeny and overlapped in time with the orogenies that formed the Appalachian Mountains. It was the only ...
How Scotland's geological foundations came together
Stages of the Caledonian Orogeny. The Caledonian Orogeny occurred in three stages. The chain of volcanic islands collided with the Grampian Highlands about 480–460 million years ago. This is called the Grampian Event.
Grampian Event - NatureScot
Jan 2, 2023 · The Grampian Event occurred when a chain of volcanic islands formed by the closure of the Iapetus Ocean, collided with the edge of what is now the Grampian Highlands. The collision took place between 480 million and 460 million years ago.
Age of the Grampian orogeny in Scotland and Ireland
The previous conflict between stratigraphical and geochronological evidence for the age of the Grampian orogeny in Scotland and Ireland has now been largely resolved. Dalradian deposition continued on the Laurentian margin through late Proterozoic into Ordovician time.
The Laurentian Caledonides of Scotland and Ireland
Oct 24, 2013 · Three main tectonic phases are recognized in the Scottish–Irish Caledonides: an Early–Middle Ordovician (475–465 Ma) phase termed the Grampian Orogeny; a phase of Silurian (435–425 Ma) tectonism restricted to the Northern Highland Terrane of Scotland termed the Scandian Orogeny; and an Early Devonian (395 Ma) phase termed the Acadian ...
Initiation and duration of Grampian orogenesis constrained by …
Jun 5, 2017 · Most significantly, the new data reveal the timing of obduction of the Ballantrae Ophiolite Complex and the onset of the Caledonian Orogeny in Scotland. We use this constraint to calculate a total duration of 12.6 ± 3.1 Ma (2σ) for the entire Grampian episode.
The Ordovician Grampian Orogeny, Western Ireland: …
Sep 3, 2019 · This contribution reviews the current state of knowledge of the Grampian orogeny, an Ordovician arc-continent collision in western Ireland and Scotland, and places it within this continuum arguing that the style of deformation and metamorphism in the continental margin reflects both the structure of the margin and forearc immediately prior to ...
Comparison of the early Ordovician Grampian orogeny in Scotland with Cenozoic collision belts else-where suggests that the Grampian event was an island arc-continent collision which followed southeastward subduction of ocean floor, and was succeeded by northwestward subduction of the Caledonian orogeny. The lower Palaeozoic Scottish Caledonides
The Grampian Orogeny - Scottish Journal of Geology
It is proposed that this Lower Ordovician sequence of related events be termed the Grampian Orogeny, distinct from the later Caledonian Orogeny, which is tectonically and geographically separate. Get full access to this article
The Grampian Orogeny in Scotland: Arc-Continent Collision and …
Comparison of the early Ordovician Grampian orogeny in Scotland with Cenozoic collision belts elsewhere suggests that the Grampian event was an island arc-continent collision which followed southeastward subduction of ocean floor, and was succeeded by northwestward subduction of the Caledonian orogeny.
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